Chassuer for Display Piece aWIP

As mentioned in the last post I have been playing around with one, yes one, Napoleonic miniature. It belongs to a set piece put out by Eureka in 28mm, it’s not exactly a gaming piece but it will make a nice display and no doubt can be hidden on a corner of the table top for ambiance. 😛

I’m not sure if the details I have for the sword/sabre and carbine ( as it seems to be on the mini) are correct so they are still waiting, however the casque (helmet) details have now been filled in and I’m reasonably confident they are correct, I just have to change the cockade at the base of the plume. Most of the paints used are either Vallejo or  Reaper and Citadel flesh tones, oh yeah and trusty Humbrol acrylic red.

Source Material below provided by a helpful soul on TMP,  just goes to show that if you ask nicely…..

thanks for looking 🙂

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